Our Services

To save your engineers time and your company money, we offer several remote sample drop of locations in and around London. You drop, we collect. This enables your engineer to get to the next job quickly whilst ensuring all test work is carried out in a time sensitive manor.

​Getting your results as quickly as possible can be crucial particularly where there is a high risk.
Our bespoke ‘SLIMS’ (Stansted Laboratories Information Management System) gives you instant results wherever you are in real-time via our secure online portal. Please contact us for your user login and password set up.

Onsite sampling from taps and water tanks
Domestic and commercial water sampling
Temperature monitoring
Heating systems
Hot and cold water systems
Tap descaling
Full system disinfection

Whether you run a public swimming pool, private health spa, theme park, have a swimming pool at home or just have a fountain with public access, the safety of those coming into contact with your water feature is paramount.
All these recreational water sources offer an opportunity for bacteria to grow and regular testing to ensure safety will mean there's no worry of an persons becoming sick.

Hospital water is a recognised potential source of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, getting your water tested ensures the safety of your team and patients.

Stansted Laboratories can carry out microbiological analysis on your drinking water, many of these tests are UKAS certified.

Air conditioning units and ducts can harbour bacteria if left unchecked, click here to see the services we can offer.

Analysis of swabs and contact plates for total viable count (TVC's), yeast and mould.