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Digital Water Testing

Recreational Services

Stansted Laboratories Ltd can provide all of your Microbiological testing and Chemical Analysis required for your recreational water facility as well as onsite temperature testing and sample collection.

As it’s often difficult to measure and detect some bacteria in natural bathing waters, the generally accepted practice is to look for the presence of certain indicator bacteria.

These indicator bacteria include:

  • E .coli

  • Coliforms

  • Streptococci bacteria

Swimming pool water testing

Whether you run a public swimming pool, private health spa, theme park, have a swimming pool at home or just have a fountain with public access, the safety of those coming into contact with your water feature is paramount.
All these recreational water sources offer an opportunity for bacteria to grow and regular testing to ensure safety will mean there's no worry of an persons becoming unwell.


Legionella Disease

Legionella presents a real risk to your guests and facility, our comprehensive UKAS approved test methods will provide you with all the results and assurance needed to stay on top of outbreaks of the disease.

Stansted Laboratories offers the following tests for Recreational Waters:

           (*UKAS certified)

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa*

  • Coliforms and Escherichia coli (E-Coli)*

  • Enterococci*

  • Detection and enumeration of: Legionella spp*

  • Identification of: Legionella spp,*

                 Legionella pneumophila sg 1,*

                  Legionella pneumophila sg 2-14*

  • Colony count TVC at 22 ï‚°C for 72 hours*

  • Colony count TVC at 37 C for 48 hours*

  • Colony count TVC at 37 C for 24 hours*

  • pH

  • Turbidity

  • Suspended and Total Solids

  • Metals (various)

  • Onsite temperature logging

  • Other chemistry based tests

  •  Additional tests available: Enterococci Staphylococcus aureus, Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness, Chloride, Free & Total Chlorine (on site), Langelier Index, Sulphate, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)



Stansted Laboratories Ltd
Units 9 & 10,
Riverside Industrial Estate,
27 Thames Road, Barking, Essex
IG11 0ND
​T: 020 8594 5104

UKAS Accreditation Stansted Laboratories

We are UKAS accredited testing laboratory No.2266.

Our accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation found Below

(any tests identified by a'*' symbol are performed to an in house method not UKAS).

All images on this site are owned by ourselves or used under licence by or used under public domain license Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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